Hell, just leave it offline only without support and let people play the content that is already there. Not only that, I'm trying really hard to figure out who even asked for this multiplayer stuff in FFXV, and why it was included as DLC to the main game if they had any inclination to spin it off from the main game to begin with. He stares up into the Blademasters red eyes, dumbfounded at his success. It's so incredibly stupid, other games have separated multiplayer components that let you unlock trophies in a different game (Uncharted Lost Legacy comes to mind), so theres no reason Square couldn't let trophies pop on both the Comrades list and the FFXV list. a fight worthy of your life-When his sword cuts through flesh and bone and sinew and finally embeds itself with a crunch into Gilgameshs armoured side, Cor at first cannot believe it. You basically have to purchase the full Royal Edition (either physical or digital) for access to the delisted Comrades ADD-ON, then you have to use a proxy to download the 1.26 patch to access Comrades in the main game and grind those trophies offline solo for 40 or 50 hours. Wow so this led me down a rabbit hole, apparently the Comrades multiplayer ADD-ON for this game was discontinued and delisted in favor of a STANDALONE version of Comrades, but there are DLC trophies attached to the main FFXV trophy list for the ADD-ON that are currently unobtainable (along with 100% trophy completion).